On thursday we had our årsoppgave framlegg. It was a pretty big deal, and I can't believe that it's over. The last few months has been pretty hectic due to the fact that I started the årsoppgave later then I had hoped to. But I am quite happy about the result, and I hope I get a good grade. Or at least that I pass.
I feel like everyone was pretty nervous about the framlegg, except me.
But I think we all did a great job on it.
I know several of my classmates was so nervous that they wanted to cry up on stage, but they didn't, and I'm so proud of everybody for making it.
I can't believe it's been two and a half year with this class, and that I only have 4 months left with these amazing people.
Steinerskolen has really been an amazing experience, and I'll miss everything about it. Even math. But especially the people. Both the people in my class, and in 2th videregående, even 1th videregående and the teachers.
I think one of the subject I'll miss the most is eurytmi, believe it or not.
And I'm so stoked about the eurytmi trip we're going on in May.
It's in Germany.